Aaron Ziegelman emigrated from Luboml, Poland to the United States
with his mother and sister, in 1938. Although his education in
this country began at a yeshiva, he attended a public high
school because he wanted to become a "real American".
earned a business administration degree from the City
College of New York and is a CPA, although he does not
practice accounting professionally. |
Mr. Ziegelman
is a highly successful real estate entrepreneur who has made a
second career of his philanthropy, largely to Jewish causes.
He has served as Chairman of the Real Estate Division of the
New York UJA - Federation, on the Executive Committee of AIPAC
and as Vice-Chairman of CLAL (the National Jewish Center for
Learning and Leadership). At the Reconstructionist Rabbinical
College he has served as General Chairman of the Board of
Governors since 1986. It was with Mr. Ziegelman's generous
support that RRC was able to burn its mortgage in 1984 and he
established an endowment fund. He is responsible for the
founding of the West End Synagogue in New York City, and is
Chairman of the American Society for the Cameri Theatre of Tel
Mr. Ziegelman resides in New York City with his wife,
Marjorie. They are the parents of two daughters. Amy lives in
Tel Aviv with her husband Icho Avital and their two children, Etai and Emma. Jane is married to Andy Coe and they live in
Manhattan with their son, Henry. |